
雑感 〜 Panasonicの特許

   ブログ「エンジニアの嗜み」より不思議な記事。 解説を読みながら、なんとなく分かったような...、やっぱりわからないこの仕組み。 映画「007」で、「変わり者風な科学者が嬉々としてボンドに手渡す」といった設定が似合いそうなこのカメラ。 感想も何も浮かんでこず、自分用メモとして「まんま」(点線の間) 掲載させて頂きます。

   記事のタイトル -  「Panasonic 見えないカメラの特許」
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   光がONの時にはカメラが見えず、カメラも撮影をしません。 光がOFFの時にはカメラが見えるようになり、カメラは撮影を行います。 人の目に認識出来ない周期で光のONとOFFを切り替えれば、実質的に見えない状態で撮影を出来るわけですね。

   赤外光も人の目には見えませんが、デジタルカメラで撮影すれば見えることがあります。 ライブビューのフレームレート次第では、特許申請にある見えないカメラを見ることも可能でしょう。 これからはカメラの存在をカメラによって確認するようになるのかもしれませんね。”
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   I visited a website of MAP CAMERA. They write reviews for lenses and cameras as a website "Kashapa". "Kashapa" might be from the sound of shutter. The articles sound a little bit like chronicles.
   They picked up a lens named "KISTAR 55mm F1.2". First, I wasn't interested in it, but the words of "Tomioka Optical" let my hands stop and let me read the article.

   It says, ---

   Kashapa will introduce a lens named "KISTAR 55mm F1.2" by Kishita Optical Laboratory. This lens is a exactly reproduced of "TOMINON 55mm F1.2" which is made by Tomioka Optical. Old lens fan might have heard the name of "Tomioka Optical Co., Ltd." The Original "TOMINON" is able to be called as an ORIGIN of CONTAX Carl Zeiss lenses made in Japan.
   A bright and rare "TOMINON 55mm F1.2" which is made in around 1970 is a kind of legend and it STILL fascinates lots of old lens fans.

   Kishita Optical Laboratory which made "KISTAR 55mm F1.2" is founded by a optical designer Kishita, Saburo who have designed "TOMINON 55mm F1.2". And the mechanical part of this brand new "KISTAR 55mm F1.2" is designed by his son Kishita, Tsutomu, and the optical design is by a engineer since they have made as Tomioka Optical Lab. So, the spitits of TOMINON handed over to this lens.

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   The front lens took my breath away. (Photos below are from Steve Huff Photo)

   I have heard from a staff of ZEISS. He have told me about Loxia and some Carl Zeiss lenses. He said, "Loxia series is the ZEISS designed as ZEISS by ZEISS". It might mean the other Sony ZEISS lenses are reflected Sony's intentions a lot.
   Since that, I feel not like Cosina, not like Tamron and not like Sony for Loxia. On the some samples by Loxia 21mm on some websites shows the atmosphere just like CONTAX T* Distagon 2.8/25mm. It's so clear and cool, and the objects are steady in the picture. Totally solid.
   Now some kinds of ZEISS photographical lenses are released and they are characteristic in each series. My criterions for "Carl Zeiss" are from CONTAX Carl Zeiss in 1980's and 1990's. Most of them have been made by Tomioka Optical and the looking of Loxia sometimes make me feel looking at the CONTAX Carl Zeiss over or back the some decades.

   Once I thought enough lenses for usual use were gathered for me. But, in these years, most of lens vendors re-design the lenses for full(35mm)-sized digital cameras, so a new era of lenses is comming, and they give us so sophisticated quality.
   Sometimes kind of the old fashioned lenses which I have let me consider to replace to newer designed lenses.
   But, sometimes the old fashioned lenses give me images just as I imagined. That's interesting - these lenses show differences on some not full sized sensor cameras or full sized cameras, and they are well amiable.
   I expect having fun a little for the feelings of New but not only New for New era lenses.